The Primes
1 History
Humankind had reached its zenith in the year 2065 AD. They had achieved genetic engineering for newly born humans. The first genetically engineered humans were engineered with the intention of increasing human longevity while reducing the effects of brain degeneration and disease suffered from old age. The humans succeeded in creating seven intelligent and slow aging children, referred to by the humans as Primes, the first born. However, the humans failed to successfully transplant the Prime's genes into already born humans. Therefore, only newly engineered humans could possess superior traits.
Humanity's obsession with genetic engineering eventually led to their decline as infighting and lobbying against genetically engineered humans resulted in their discrimination. While discrimination continued, the genetically engineered humans became increasingly withdrawn from society, preferring instead to congregate with their own kind, forming a society which ironically called themselves Primes, referring to themselves as the Prime of human evolution.
1.1 The Cleansing
Eventually, the humans attempted to locate and execute all genetically engineered humans. However, the original seven, at this juncture calling themselves the Sovereigns, located several Prime congregations and formed a resistance. The Primes led by the Sovereigns, retaliated ferociously; humans dwindled to a mere 15% of its former population in only half a decade as they were weakened from infighting and were entirely unprepared for the backlash from the Primes. Much of the human's existing infrastructure had been destroyed. The sudden reduction of the human population and it's pollution allowed nature to reclaim most of its original domain above ground.
1.2 Prime Reorganisation
After the Cleansing, the Sovereigns concluded that their people needed leadership and organisation as a society if they were to continue their races' survival.
1.3 Emergence of the Echelons
Early on, the Sovereigns realised they needed to diversify their race if they were to continue being the dominant population on Earth. Without much engineering knowledge, they could not afford to replace their labour with Automatons as the Seekers do. The Echelon and Caste systems provided ample specialisation for Primes so that they could maximise efficiency within their race. Their ability to manipulate genes also made Echelons a more viable option as Primes could now be born to fill specific roles within the race.
2 Description
Primes are genetically engineered human beings who have generally increased strength and dexterity. Based on their function within Prime society, some Primes are shown to have increased level of intellect. Other Primes may possess increased muscle mass and endurance if they are labourers. Due to the Primes' improved cellular system, they age much slower, up to four times slower that of a human. Primes are taller than the average human, approximately 15 cm in most cases.
Primes have a preference for using robots as support systems so as to fully utilise Prime strength. Their robots are made out of carbon fibres and are therefore more flimsy than the metal constructs of the Seekers.
3 Culture
4 Echelons
Primes fall under an organised caste system called Echelons and is further divided into Castes. Each Caste under the same Echelon has equal command over the Echelons beneath them. However, each Caste serves a specific role and function in Prime society.
4.1 Ruling Echelons
4.1.1 Sovereigns
Sovereigns are the first ever Primes to have been created. Only seven Sovereigns exist and they rule over the entire Prime population. Sovereigns are highly intelligent individuals and also long lived. The actual lifespan of a Sovereign is unknown however they are indicated to have been alive for at least 600 years. The Sovereigns were used as test experiments and exploited as humans attempted to use their genetics to transplant their longevity into existing humans.
Years of experimentation, often without regard to the suffering of the Sovereigns, resulted in the their deep hatred for humankind. Lobbying allowed the Sovereigns to be released from captivity. However, by that time, genetically modified humans already made up 5% of the Earth's population. Sovereigns rule towards the benefit of their people. They are intently focused on the survival and improvement of their race.
4.2 Regent Echelons
4.2.1 Arbitrators
Arbitrators are the scholars of the Primes. They are learned in a trio of disciplines; Game Theory, Logical Reasoning and Statistics. They are born with enhanced temporal and frontal lobes which allow them to process information quickly and impartially to benefit the Primes to thrive as a whole. Arbitrators primarily act to uphold Prime law. Primes who have committed transgressions or treasons against Prime law are tried in front of a tribunal of three Arbitrators. Each Arbitrator is assigned a role in tribunal, namely Inquisition, Judgement and Execution. An Arbitrator's word in tribunal is almost absolute and can only be overridden or changed by fellow Arbitrators in that tribunal. Notable Arbitrators have been credited with a tendency for merciless efficiency.
4.2.2 Mothers
The Mothers are the Prime equivalent of geneticists and doctors. The Mothers are responsible for the acquisition of raw material for the creation of new Primes. They artificially fertilize, monitor and nurture the growth of each Prime embryo, and select only the best for each Echelon, discarding any with even the slightest imperfection. Mothers design and grow new embryos in glass chambers termed Matrix. Matrices have interfaces that allow a Mother to observe and manipulate genetic sequences of the growing embryo at will. Mothers are also expert surgeons should a high value Prime be severely injured and unable to be restored by a Replicator.
4.3 Command Echelons
4.3.1 Aristocrats
Aristocrats are specially manufactured Primes which possess immense strength and dexterity. They command Prime armadas, up to 2500 troops at a time. Due to their combat and command role, they are vigorously trained from birth. Even though Aristocrats are specially engineered, only 50% of all born Aristocrats make it through the training. Aristocrats that fail the training become Blades or are rescinded depending on their performance. Aristocrats wield massive double forged steel swords and are the only members of the Primes to handle metal weapons. Aristocrats wear only ceremonial armour, however their faceplates protect them from shrapnel. In combat, they rely on parry and dodge methods to avoid attacks while using their swords to cleave through light troops and crush heavily armoured Automatons. Each Aristocrat is extremely costly to manufacture and thus are only sent into combat if the objective is of high priority or as a last resort.
4.3.2 Architects
4.4 Ensign Echelons
4.4.1 Centurions
Centurions are contingent commanders of up to 500 Primes. They wear a heavy carbon based armour plate and wield light cavalry spears. They are symbiotes with a genetically engineered mount called a Trojan. Centurions are trained in command and specialize in adaptive combat. Despite their leadership role, Centurions often lead the charge during Prime combat.
Trojans are spliced from a variety of animals that once existed, evidence suggests that of horses due to their strong quadrupedal legs and possibly crocodiles due to their armoured hides and powerful tails. Trojans are able to use their tails to deadly effect with their tripoint end to impale or simply scatter enemies.
4.4.2 Splicers
Splicers are support commanders that are often attached to large groups of combat Primes. They oversee the collection of valuable genetic material from dead Primes and scout for new material for acquisition. They are also programmers for the Replicators and tend to their systems when deployed in combat. Splicers are poorly equipped for combat; the tools they carry are merely intended for material collection. However, without Splicers, Prime combat squads would waste valuable material and be unable to restore damaged Replicators. Therefore, Splicers are often high priority targets.
4.5 Specialist Echelons
4.5.1 Blades
4.5.2 Bailiffs
4.5.3 Replicators
4.5.4 Sirens
4.6 Toiler Echelons
4.6.1 Artisans
4.6.2 Bruisers
4.6.3 Croppers
4.6.4 Movers
5 Military
6 Notable Primes
6.1 Blade 16
6.2 Arbitrator 23 "Justice"
7 Prime Territories & Cities
7.1 The Arktouros
One of the three Prime dams, this remnant from the iron age, produces more than enough energy to power Prime facilities and robotics. It serves as the main power source for Primes located in the western hemisphere of the Earth. The Primes guard it fiercely as much of their infrastructure would be unable to function without it.
Within the dam contains a massive workshop for the Primes. It is here that they construct parts for the Ark.
7.1.1 Ursa Major
Manufacturing city for Primes. A large percentage of Primes are engineered and subsequently born in the city. The city contains a large number of barracks and training centres for newborn Primes. It serves as the headquarters of the Mother caste. There are substantial farming units and water purification plants located within the city to provide for its population. Ursa Major is powered by the nearby hydroelectric dam, The Arktouros.
7.1.2 Ursa Minor
Manufacturing city for robotics. A large portion of Replicators and other Prime robotics are assembled here. It houses a significant population of Architects and Artisans. Ursa Minor's proximity to The Arktouros allows it to produce and transport materials for the Ark Project. The city also manufactures Aristocrat swords due to the availability of metal.
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