Okay so i haven exactly been updating my progress in awhile.
So recently i've downloaded unity and im now in the progress of making an android app of the game.
That's the plan anyway.
So in the past one week I've learned these few things
How to put a first person and third person character
How to do melee combat system using Raycast
Adding a Healthbar to my character
( see my cylinder with the evil cube below)
The thing i was having the most problem with was the third person controller, which is RETARDED BECAUSE ITS FROM THE STANDARD PACKAGE.
I was quite pissed to realize it wasnt my fault, it was just that there was an update in the script so the engine couldnt read ... Zzzz...
I practically spent hours trying to fix that stupid problem because i was trying to figure out what i did wrong =.=
okay anyway... i shall try to get the melee combat done, as well as the enemy health bar .
I designed like 2 or 3 maps already? wont upload it yet because i think their quite boring... need better texture and lighting.
Still working on how to get blender to model out my characters.
I'm currently drawing out the front and side view of the characters on a grid paper so that i can make the modelling process smoother.
I'm currently drawing out the front and side view of
the characters on a grid paper so that i can make the modelling process smoother.
Anyway here's an update on the characters
They replicate cells and can cause temporary enhancements/buffs upon touch.
The Brains created them as a form of sucide robots, they are there to save the dying without losing more lives. They are also sent to those who are in the battle front who are beyond saving to ensure they kill more enemies by enhancing their fighting power at the expense of their own life force.
They can kill by absorbing life force of others
I changed the name of the punkies to seekers after much talking to my friend who is helping me develop the storyline. Basically the seekers seek keystones to use for their technology.
Everything else is so confusing it will blow ur brians to shreds if i were to upload it now.. so for now, just sit tight and wait as we pull everything together alright? :D
Hopefully we can get the novel going ( fingers crossed) .
Actually i still have a lot to update on, but there's not enough time, spent too much on that stupid error, still pissed over that =,=
will be reading up on blender n unity over the next two days, will continue to work on this game.
Hopefully we can make it an andriod app to get the whole idea started.
Oh YES! i have this idea, a death maze where the two teams are put in with golems going nuts and they have to find keystones to get out of the place.
The golems cant be killed normal ( or are rather hard to kill) and have to be trapped in the maze's own bobby trap, so its not a head on thing. You need to use your brain alittle I'm hoping to get the first version up by the end of the year, so hopefully we center get everything up n running by the end of August ? I.e 3 classes modelled and coded. So far the 3 are the replicators, bailiffs n blades. The modelling and rigging part will take awhile, I'm not expecting the animation parts to be up any time soon either..the maps are by far the easiest, gonna design a maze or a few maze over the next two days. And yeah, that's all for now (: will try to update once a week at least.